
Showing posts with the label jump rings

5 Jewelry Findings a Jewelry Designer Must Own

There are various  jewelry findings  that a jewelry designer must add to their collection. These jewelry findings will always come handy no matter what type of jewelry you are planning to make. Today we are going to learn more about must-have jewelry making materials: 1)  Crimp Beads :  Crimp Beads are really small beads that are used for securing your jewelry design into place. These crimp beads are made of metal and have very thin walls which makes it easy to squeeze them into place. You can use chain nose pliers or flat nose pliers to squeeze them. These are perfect for stringing and beading projects. They secure your jewelry into place. 2) Eye Pins:  Eye pins are used for making beaded link. These pins have loop on one side and other side is open. You can easily slide a bead on one side and make a loop with round nose plier to make a beaded link. This link can easily be used for  making necklace, bracelets, earrings etc. 3) Head Pins:...