
Showing posts with the label aari embroidery needle online

Difference between Aari Needle and Crochet Hook

Aari and Crochet, both are popular needles that are used worldwide. Though the needles used to do this work seem similar but they are significantly different from one another. In this article, I will share the difference between both the needles and their independent purposes. How they work    Aari Needles or Embroidery Hooks are used for doing surface ornamentation of fabric by making designs with different types of threads, beads, and sequins. Watch the video online to know about different embroidery hooks     While with crochet hooks you design your own fabric, it is a bit similar to knitting but the process is different. In this, you make your own fabric and give it the shape and the design you like while crocheting. You can  buy Aari Embroidery Needles here Size Aari Needles are extremely thin and sharp as compared to crochet hooks which make it easy for them to effortlessly puncture through the fabric. The needles used for...

Types of Aari Needles used for Hand Embroidery

     What is an Aari Needle?        Aari Needle (aka Hook)  is a handmade needle with a sharp pointy hook at one end. It is used for doing embroidery on fabrics. This needle comes in various styles. Let’s explore together the difference between each style of these needles and how they are used:      1)    Needles for Bead and Sequins Embroidery Work       Style A:  This needle is thin and consistent in size. It has a wooden handle which makes it easy and comfortable to use with hands. It has approximately 1.5 inches long iron needle which makes sequins or bead embroidery work really fast as more  beads  and  sequins  can be added to the needle in a single round. Style B:  This needle is similar to Style A needle, it is also thin and consistent in size. The only difference is the size of the needle; this needle is smaller than the Style A needle. It has appro...