Learn how to do Sequin Embroidery in Simple and Easy Steps

I am speculating that you cherish beading as much as I do and that is the reason you are here. I am happy that you discovered this article as in this instructional exercise; I will show you the most straightforward technique to sew sequins with seed beads . I utilize this technique to enrich little fabric Christmas trees during Christmas. I additionally utilize it to make outlines on my clothes like sarees, suits, top, skirts and so forth. You can utilize this strategy to adorn any dress; you can likewise adorn your bags, shoes, and craft projects. Simply follow along to create something really interesting. Materials you require: Beading Thread Beading Needle Centre-Hole Sequins Seed Beads Fabric Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Pass the string through the opening of the needle . Step 2: Cut the string to the length you need it to be and tie a knot at the end. Step 3: Place the needle and thread under the fabric where you want to stitch the se...